Kiwaho Kilowatthour
3 min readNov 10, 2020


Trump admin patented a blockchain-secured voting system

Who says Trump not trust scientists?

This weekend, Google just finished job of OCR(Optical character recognition) of new patent applied by Trump administration:
Publication No. US20080230594A1
Application No. US16785354, but ungoogleable, as indexing job not yet done untill today.

Secure Voting System by Blockchain
A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system. A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain.

After browsing it, I find it is perfect tech to map illegal/improper activities of massive ballots flow!

First of all nexts, as many references do point to too long URLs, so I have to shorten all URLs for concision, of course with safe access guaranteed.

Patent spec pdf file download here:

With huge logging data submitting to judges, ballot thefts will be certainly caught red-handed.

Look at this news, what a panic:
Google Searches For ‘Election Fraud Punishment’ skyrocketed Ahead Of The Election

Followings are ignored by most anti-Trumpers:
Forbes news:
News from blockchain developer Chainyard:
US Postal Service Files A Patent For Voting System Combining Mail And A Blockchain

First presidential vote cast using blockchain technology

Post of scientific community:
US Election Sting? Will QFS Blockchain Encryption Code Technology Win It

The guru of intelligence community is disclosing more detail about system deployment and current noose-tightening operation, watch this vedio:

News from BeforeItsNews says:
After discarded all illegal votes, Trump already won re-election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast. What a real landslide victory!

Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes


  1. this great invention can secure future mail-in-vote-dominated elections by some degree, but loopholes still exist, e.g. it cannot verify whether time stamps of post offices are nefariously backdated, unless future improvement can embed clock IC with micro battery on votes;
  2. Better fairness just partially improved by this invention, but counting software still has the decisive last say, fair or unfair;
  3. Thus its current embodiment in 2020 election doesn’t neccesarily guarantee Trump victory, but can help Trump detect opponent potential fraud, then indirectly increase odds of his win, especially if massive voter fraud;
  4. Future administrations can make some money by licensing this patent to other countries;
  5. It credits Trump achieventment, also is valuable heritage to successor if he fails this election;
  6. Politicians | judges | lawyers can’t understand tech jargons, so court hearings need assistant of many software engineers;
  7. China gov’t projects blockchain prosperity, and hired experts training members of politburo for future better policy making. See Bloomberg article->Next China: Who dominates blockchain?



Kiwaho Kilowatthour

Kiwaho Laboratory of Energy and Ecology Inc. Natural thermal energy will meet all our power need.Thank the Sun for cooking earth everyday! Bye to fossil energy